Resurrection in Aradi utca
We would like to share some pictures of the reconstruction of a completely destroyed facade on Aradi utca.
We would like to share some pictures of the reconstruction of a completely destroyed facade on Aradi utca.
Dear Miklós Vincze, thank you for the detailed explanation! According to our plans, the missing tower will indeed be rebuilt.
The miracle of colours, shapes and textures in the Opera House. We worked with IO, the best furniture designer team.
Rumours from the Kodály körönd! The towers are visibly under construction. After 77 years Körönd is full and rounded.
There was an article about our floor addition made with fibre cement facade cover in issue no. 55 of magazine Architecture and Detail.
The National Sample Design Catalogue is ready. Lechner Knowledge Center worked out our plan in a really nice manner. Cube house converters go!
Móni speaks about the furniture of the Opera House and Endre Thék
An open-air contemporary exhibition opened on Kodály körönd. On the Andrássy út side, we also made a sign.
The statue of Miklós Zrínyi has been looking at the events at Kodály körönd for more than 100 years. He has seen ladies in Girardi hats, elegant horse-drawn carriages, Liberators destroying from the sky, crowds chanting movement songs, rainbow parades, and now, in 2019, he can see a graceful blue tower crane standing in the ornamental courtyard of the Hübner Court. The construction has begun!
The architectural design competition of the National Sample Design Catalogue has been closed. We entered in the category of remodelling cube houses, the plan was won to be purchased, so the design will be included in the catalogue.
Limes model has created an amazingly detailed maquett of our Kodály körönd attic conversion. Facade decorations, floor coverings, wrought iron railings, bus no 105 have all been included, nothing has been left out. Thank you, Géza.
The two city sensitizers, Moni and Emőke Majevszky’s fulfillment of the love for built environment and playing the piano at a world heritage site, in front of the Opera, Andrássy Avenue is a worthy tribute to the relationship between music and our country.
No need to wait long and the local people can meet the forgotten beautiful works of the ore processing factory owner Steiner brothers. Acroteria, Gothic leafs, badges, shields and garlands. The old tin ornament factory steps up again on the stage of Terzézváros in an elegant gray dress and a white lace coat.
KVARC AND ILLE OLLA - An old dream seems to come true: architecture and fashion at the same time. New house new dress. Details later.
We renovate the flat of a one hundred and fifty year old listed building. All clothes fell down from it, it is standing here in front of us naked and sincere. While we are walking on the vaults of the dusty slab, history unfolds before us.
ARCHE The project – Cheerful creative adventure and drawing with city sensitization for children aged 6-10 where the young urbanistics can draw up their own fantasy city and can experience the joy of common artwork.
From now on, you can walk in any of our plans. Here's a little trip into a tower-temple on Kodály Körönd.
Our proposal for the idea for the renovation of the Király Spa. Turkish-gray Turkish broad stone, brass green, red brick, Tardosi red stone slab - steamy, foggy. The power and depth of this “royal” bath atmosphere is carried forward by the reconstruction plan.
Elegant plaster architecture and green doors and windows from Paris. The first phase of the renewal of the Hübner Court in Körönd.
The Hübner Court on Andrássy Street wants to regain its towers lost during the World War, which the entire Kodály Circle is missing a lot.
The design competition for the utilization of St. George's Square and Dísz Square in Buda was completed and we won the purchase. Among the progressive-conservative works that extremely share public opinion here is our "Kvarc" solution.
We have our new office - looking for a bit of architectural pampering, now you can find Studio KVARC on Oktogon instead of Wesselényi Street. The range of services has also expanded to include static, structural expert and electrical designer.
Our house has received “The house of the year Award” of Komárom-Esztergom County. It was designed with the cooperation of Klára Weninger.
The more modest version of our attic extension on Nagymező Street got a green light from MTT.
The metal roofing of our attic extension on Csengery Street, completed by Puskás Művek, has received a category award from ÉMSZ. Their work is well worth it.
100 years ago Budapest was a much more colorful city than today, lively and brave colours were used in architecture at the turn of the century. That's why we tried to bring a little turquoise freshness to the Palace District.
We are planning to renovate the Hübner Courtyard on Andrássy Street, which, in addition to the complete reconstruction, will also get back its two lost towers. We have received the approval of the District Planning Board.
Work has begun at 74 Csengery Street, with floor and facade reconstruction is under progress, beyond expectations. A few pictures about the constructon. The view of the cleaned wooden beam slab is overwhelming.
When the roof is finished, the shape of the family house next to the forest is well visible, and is proudly looking down on us from the hill. It is getting ready in order, exactly as we planned.
We have given a new meaning to the life of a Kádár cube with this plan, but unfortunately due to the respect of the roof elements of the street scene, it has to be carried outin a different way. To be continued.