Civic apartment on Andrássy ave

Renovation of a large civic apartment in a monumental palace on Andrássy Avenue, in masculine design, under construction.
The property with special features overlooks Kodály Körönd and has been uninhabited for many years, was found in a neglected state. Its condition was unworthy for the building's outstanding monumental essence. In 1959 it was mutilated, several of its openings were blocked with walls, its lichthof was filled up, and it was totally run down. It was really waiting for us.
Since it was no longer possible to restore the original space structure due to the share of flats, we took a different approach to give it a new life. First of all, all the clothes were removed: squeaky plaster, multi-changed floors, partitions, knocked up interior doors and windows. The stunning sight of naked structures is a real time travel to the world of 19th century master builders. Large brick masonry, arches, steel beams, chandelier holders, chimneys and openings have come to surface again.
We thought that once the original space structure of the apartment was lost, at least we should show its traces well visibly and let the unconscious civic spirit return. Therefore, all of the masonry openings and subsequent partitioning masonry have a reflective surface with a glass of illuminated light, indicating the places of alterations and interventions. Glass panels are pictures of works of art too, that are dear to the owner. The apartment was personalized, manly and sophisticated, clean and practical.
State in 2017 (it will be nice to win from here):
The nude state:
But soon it will look like this, construction has begun.